Business name: Nutrie
Industry: Health & Wellness
Company profile: 
Nutrie is a new vitamin brand, with a range of four products, each focusing on a specific benefit. The brand's aim is to be clear and honest with consumers while utilising the best natural ingredients for their medicinal properties.
Project aim: 
Design a minimal and clean visual identity and packaging - to stand out from vitamins that provide complex information and don’t align with customers’ values.
Key insight: 
The idea of personal growth and nourishment because of these supplements. The values of transparency and clarity in the ingredients and uses.
The logo uses a custom typeface made with elongated shapes and circular geometric elements. It highlights the simplicity and aim of the brand. Using transparency to represent their honesty and a simplified flower shape for the i title. This flower brings in the idea of growing and blossoming with the help of these vitamins, as well as showing Nutrie's focus on natural products.
The flower sub logo is used as a key design element in the packaging, bringing boldness and colour while retaining a minimal overall look. Each product has a signifying colour which highlights its key natural ingredient.

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